Creating Bonds

Parameters for the bond issuers.

Bond types

Projects and individuals(the Bond Issuers) will be able to choose from a variety of Bond types when creating a bond Market on Lumio.

These types will include

More information on these different types of bonds in our documentation

Capital acquired

These Issuers will also be able to determine what kind of assets they are willing to accept for the purchase of the bond.

These include:

  • Single Assets and Tokens(ETH, SOL, MATIC, NFTs...)

  • LP's (ETH/USDC, "XZYtoken"/USDC,...)

Amount of Tokens sold

Another function that the Bond issuers will decide on is if they wish to cap the limit of their tokens they are willing to sell.

  • They decide to cap the limit allowing only a certain amount of tokens to be sold against bonds for a certain time period. This can be replenished once that time period is up if they wish to continue acquiring capital in exchange for their tokens.

  • They decide to not have a cap on the market and mint tokens when they are needed. This allows bonding to go on in perpetuity until the market is closed.

Term to Maturity

Last of all the Issuers get to determine the term to maturity they wish to offer.

  • The issuer will determine the duration of the bonds they are willing to sell and for each maturity date, either set by the market or by the entity itself, will be a differing rate.

  • The issue can also allow for the users to decide the maturity of their bond, which then allows them to receive a specific rate depending on the market at the time the bond would be issued.

Last updated